+ What does it cost?
We can offer as little as finding and booking your perfect destination, to a full service comprehensive experience where we serve as the single point of contact for every step of the planning, booking, and travel process.
If all you are looking for is a destination, after a free travel consultation, we will help you find it and book it for you without any additional cost to you.
For the more comprehensive service we charge hourly at a rate of $250 an hour with a max cost to you of $1000 for your trip.
+ Can you book villas and private homes?
Absolutely! We work with a network of incredible villa rental agencies around the world. We can find the perfect, vetted, private home anywhere your travels take you.
+ What about boat charters?
Of course!
+ What about flying private?
We have you covered there as well! With comerical flight cancelations and complications on the rise this has become an increasinly popular optoin. Whether it is a connecting charter flight, or an end to end private flight experience we have trusted partners to help ensure everything exceeds expectations.
+ Can you work within my budget?
We work tirelessly with our travel partners to offer you a range of options to work within your budget to create the perfect experience.
+ What are the International Travel Restictions due to COVID? Where can I even go?
We stay on top of the constantly evolving entry and exit requirements for travel worldwide. For any stop on an itinerary we build we will make sure you are aware of everything that is needed for the most seamless travel possible.